Link Purchasing
By Merle
Buying text links for your website is a highly controversial subject online. Like it or not, approve of the practice or disapprove, it does exist and there are many website owners who are doing it. I'm not going to debate the issue one way or the other; just shed some light on what some consider a "gray subject."
So why would you want or need to buy a text link on another website? It all goes back to "link popularity." Search engines look at how many other sites are linking to yours when deciding on your ranking. Granted, this is just one criterion, but nevertheless an important one to pay attention to.
If you don't know how many other sites are linking to yours, go to any search engine and type this in: link: ... you should get a pretty good idea of your "popularity." Keep in mind that Google nevër shows all sites linking to yours, so what you see in the results will not be an accurate presentation of those linking to you. Why they do this is not clear (it's one of those "Google Secrets"), but a possible explanation is that it's one of the methods they use to keep their ranking algorithms private.
When considering a link purchase, only buy from sites that are related to your theme and use the Google Toolbar to chëck their page rank. You can download it here:
A page rank of 4 or above is pretty good but a 7 or 8 is excellent. Nevër buy a link based on page rank alone. If the site doesn't relate to your site's content, don't do it.
Here are some things to keep in mind before making any purchases:
There are two types of links: one-way and reciprocal. A reciprocal link is when two sites agree to link to each other, a one-way link is just one site linking to another without linking back. Purchasing a text link is an example of a one-way link. One-way links are counted higher by most search engines and therefore are more valuable then reciprocal.
When supplying your text link to other sites, make sure to include your keywords in your anchor text. The anchor text is the part of the link that is clickable. Use a variety of key phrases so as not to raise any red flags with the search engines.
You also want to be consistent with your url. Use the "www." part in all incoming links, as links to "" and "" could be treated as two different websites by the search engines.
Another tip when buying links is to do it slowly. Don't buy too many at one time. You want it to look natural to the search engines. Hundreds of sites deciding to link to yours in a week is not "natural" and may catch unwanted attention from the powers that be.
Stay away from link farms when choosing link partners. Just associating with "bad sites" can be enough to get you banned by the search engines. You'll also want to make sure you're getting links from different IP addresses. Search engines will give the links more weíght if they don't all come from the same IP.
So now that you have the basics, where do you buy the text links? I thought you'd nevër ask.
1) LinkHaul
Purchase static links to PR 4, 5,6, 7 or 8 websites. Pricing starts at 3.00 per month.
Offering a variety of link building programs to increase your link popularity.
3) LinkAdage
Buy or sell text links within an auction format or buy dírect thru a broker.
Offering $100.00 in frëe text link ads when you spend $125.00. So you only have to spend an initial ínvestment of $25.00
5) BackLinks
Frëe service that allows webmasters to trade, sell or buy text links.
When you buy a link, it's usually billed on a monthly basis and you'll always pay more for a site with a higher page rank, and also for having them put your link on their main page compared to a page deeper down within the site. Once you purchase a link let it run for a few months at a time. Search engines will need it in order to find and spider them.
Right or wrong, purchasing links is one way to improve your link popularity quickly and move your site up the ranks in the search engines. Remember, there are many ways to increase your website traffïc, and buying text links is just another means to an end.
About The Author
Merle has been "working" the Net for over 8 years and has a Special Gift just for you. Download my FR-E-E EBook "50 Easy Ways to Promote Your Website". Get your copy now at
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