Search Engine Optimization Pricing 
As with all our services, everything we do is ala carte.
We work with you in determining appropriate strategies based on your budget, then implement these strategies.
Most Affordable Package Price:
This question is asked daily, so we have itemized deliverables right up front. This is our lowest entry point into this complex task:
- We target 4 key phrases client selects (with our input and suggestions)
- Initial ranking report for the major search engines
- Optimize up to 10 pages based on the selected phrases, launch onto your web host (requires FTP access)
- 6 weeks following new pages being posted, we run another ranking report.
- We then analyze performance and provide recommendations.
Total price? $680.
Results? Some of our clients are successful enough on first round to then stop investing.
Pricing vs. Results
We maintain close ties with other services that specialise in this specific endeavor, and some of their results are excellent. Some are even superb! Notable differences that surface;
- The usage of offline servers for submitting doorway pages redirecting to your site. If the spiders follow to the originating URL, you risk being removed from that specific index; it is considered a form of "spam".
- Price ranges for those companies that specialize in this field are ranging from $5,000 to $20,000 for top level optimization. This will entail content modifications, intensive competitive research, offline testing of various key words, and in some cases focus groups to derive the most logic-based criteria to evaluate the key phrases.
Our take on this is always test/ benchmark current performance through a simple ranking report. At that time, determine the most efficient way to proceed. In many cases,new clients' sites were never optimized initially, thus typically making it easy to make rapid advances in a fairly short period of time.
Initial Search Engine Discovery Models | |
Test Optimization |
$320 |
Includes: |
Find out what your current ranking is on the top 12 search engines (top 60 results reported) |
For companies looking for a more dominant position on a specific phrase with a specific engine, this may be the way to go... |
Includes: |
Quarterly Ranking and Modifications (10 pages) | $1,600 Quarterly |
This service is a little more comprehensive than the quick benchmarking and routine optimization on 4 phrases. With an ongoing budget of 20 hours per quarter, significant headway can be made in a gradual environment, testing phrases on an engine-by-engine basis. Or refocus content through DHTML (some significant strides are being made with this tactic). This also gives you the opportunity to test the service to ensure it meets your expectations... Remember that two key reports will be generated at the 6 week and 12 week marks. Patience remains your best insurance policy of succeeding long-term. |
For more information on how we handle multi-divisional submissions, act as content and optimization consultants, and in other ways assist you in gaining maximum exposure, use the simple form below and we'll answer any questions you may have.
Yes! I want my company to be at the top, too!
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At no time will Grant Communications sell, trade, rent or distribute personal information to any outside organization. We use email addresses to send requested information and to respond to the email we receive. Information such as name, title and company information is used to determine the demographics of our audience and help us to present the information of most value to those who visit.
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